General Safety, Food Allergies and COVID
Ambrosia takes safety very seriously. We will do everything in our power to keep you and our personnel safe in these unprecedented times.
BAKING SAFETY: Safety is paramount, especially right now. For those of you who may not know, I used to own my own bakery business and I was a certified food handler, so rest assured your treats will be prepared in a safe and clean environment. If you have a dietary restriction or a food allergy, please make sure you note that in the "Notes" section on the checkout page.
FOOD ALLERGIES/RESTRICTIONS: If you have a dietary restriction or a food allergy, please make sure you indicate that in the "Notes" section on the checkout page. Please note that every effort will be made to protect your order from cross-contamination by baking it separately, however, products are not be made in a commercial kitchen. For those with nut allergies, we will prepare your order separately from any nut products, however, if you have severe nut allergies, we recommend you order at your own risk as some of the ingredients used carry warnings that they have been manufactured in a facility that also produces products containing nuts and some cross-contamination is possible at the factory level.
DELIVERY SAFETY: Deliveries will be made by one of three people from the same household who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu, have exhibited no signs of illness for over 30 days and who will wear masks. Items will be left on your front porch or at another street-facing location of your choosing. At no time will a face-to-face interaction with the person delivering your items be required, and, if you do choose to interact, a distance of no less than 6 feet will be maintained at all times.